Latest updates and prayer requests from Simon Lissak, Chosen People Ministries UK:
Recently, I have been encouraged as my encounters with Orthodox Jewish people have led to more frequent exchanges of numbers so that communication can continue. Then one day things got even better! I met ‘Moishe’ in the street and asked him a Deuteronomy question. To my amazement he suggested we go and talk in his flat.
This has never happened to me before. A few minutes later, I was sheltering from the rain in his studio and we had the Bible open and we were delving into the Parashah for that week. Although he is a fully committed Hassidic Jew, he is also open to looking at the Bible with me. Two hours flashed past as we looked at various texts.
As I left we exchanged numbers and arranged to meet him again. The next time we met the Parasha discussion led to a chat about the origins and value of the Oral Law and then to how the five books of Moses were written and compiled.
We now meet regularly and text questions and answers to each other. This is an incredible breakthrough. Although he is not yet open to Jesus being Messiah, I am hoping that we can build a trusting relationship based on wrestling with shared texts.
Jacob is an intelligent man in his forties but has a serious problem with alcohol. The last few times I have gone to visit him he has been quite drunk. He is very pleased that I make time to see him and talk to him about spiritual things. However, he is struggling with a lot of issues that I am really not qualified to help him with. Please pray for a miracle. He has rejected Orthodox Judaism and is a really lost soul.
Yossi is a professional violinist who I met when he was outside his house saying goodbye to his sister. We got talking about the Parasha and he stayed to finish his cigarette when the rest of his family went inside. Yossi teaches violin and plays at weddings and other events. His music is mostly classical but he likes Jazz more than Klezma!
We talked about Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie and Theolonious Monk. He’s happy to meet again, so please pray that we’d ‘hit the right Spiritual notes’ the next time we meet!
Thank you for your continued partnership in the Gospel and for your prayers.
Blessings in Messiah,
*Names Changed
Latest updates from Fiona Sorbala, Chosen People Ministries UK:
Firstly, let me thank you for your loving and prayerful support. It’s been a busy summer! I attended a conference organised by Beit Sar Shalom Germany in Croatia and was such an encouragement to spent time with their staff and their key volunteers.
In July, I went on a first trip to after the pandemic to Riga in Latvia. I was able to speak at a couple of groups; one of which is a couple of hours drive from Riga. Over the years, we have seen a number of Jewish people come to accept Jesus as their Messiah in this group.
I took the opportunity to visit Berlin on the way back to catch up with some of the Ukrainian refugees. In September there was an international gathering of Russian speaking Messianic leaders from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, and UK which was held in Berlin. I had the privilege of representing Chosen People Ministries UK and sharing a session on Jewish evangelism.
After the conference, I spent a couple of days with some Ukrainian refugees who settled in Berlin, it was so encouraging to see that the time I spent in Berlin with Beit Sar Shalom earlier this year has borne fruit. I also had the opportunity to visit Latvia again on the way back home.
I got to share the Gospel with a group that I have been visiting for some years now I am always surprised how willing the Jewish community is willing to come out and attend our meeting. Yet I am sure that it is God by His Spirit who draws them.
At Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year we will officially restart the Messianic work in Riga, in conjunction with a local church who will oversee the work and ensure that it bears good fruit. We will hold a special opening service to celebrate the Jewish Festival.
I hope to use this opportunity to speak to Jewish people not only about this Festival but about the salvation available in Jesus. Back in London, the Messianic Congregation is rejoicing in its venue in North Finchley where we have been meeting face to face for our Saturday Shabbat services.
We will begin our midweek bible studies in our Golders Green office in October. We are getting more Jewish contacts to follow up and praying that this will bear fruit. We continue to zoom all of our meetings so that they are available to people to visit.
Currently, our Tuesday Bible study for supporters and friends of Chosen People Ministries is studying the Book of Hebrews. All are invited! If you need the zoom link then please contact our office on info@chosenpeople.org.uk. Previous studies are available on our YouTube channel.