In September of last year, a staff member had the privilege of baptizing a new Jewish believer. The young new believer invited his unbelieving Jewish mother, Rose, to attend the baptism, and she did. When he invited her to visit the Messianic congregation, she simply smiled and refused to give a solid “yes” or “no.” After seven months, her son was finally able to convince her to attend our annual Passover Seder.
As the Passover Seder began, Rose was letting those around her know what she was thinking. It was not bad or rude; she just made comments like, “Oh, that’s interesting,” and “Why did he do it like that?” About halfway through the evening, as our missionary was making clear connections between the Passover meal and the Last Supper and clearly presenting the gospel, Rose fell silent.
She listened intently as he explained Jesus’ statements about the matzah and the cup in familiar Passover terms, highlighting the redemption and freedom that is available to us through the blood of Jesus. By the end of the evening, she left the meal commenting on how much she has to think about. Please continue to pray for Rose.
Angelina,* a friend of one of our missionaries, is a Ukrainian immigrant now living in Toronto. Her brother Alex,* who is disabled, got stuck in Mariupol. Angelina was worrying about him, and our missionary prayed for Alex to be able to leave Ukraine. The Lord answered the prayer! Alex was evacuated out of the war zone! He is safe and well provided for in a European refugee camp! He said it was a miracle, and he did not have to do anything or pay any money.
Volunteers just took him from one place to another into safety. Praise the Lord with us for this miracle and pray that Alex accepts the Lord as his Saviour. This same missionary also has an Israeli friend, Olesia,* who visited our staff member in Toronto. Olesia’s friend, Leah,* also an Israeli immigrant, spent an evening with our missionary, who witnessed to her, and she accepted the Lord!
Recently, one of our staff connected with the local Chabad rabbi and missionary in his area. Chabad missionaries typically reach out to secular Jews to encourage them to become more religious. The rabbi had advertised a course on the medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides, who remains very influential today. By God’s grace, our missionary was able to attend the entire six-week course in the rabbi’s own home—with only two other students!
Even though our missionary was forthright about being a believer and even a seminary professor, the rabbi eagerly invited him to come to the class, despite his background! Please pray for our brother as he navigates this new relationship.
In Israel, Chosen People Ministries is renting apartments to help Ukrainians in transition. Many Ukrainian immigrants in Israel are mothers whose husbands or sons had to stay in Ukraine. They had to flee alone with their other children. Closer to the war zone, Chosen People Ministries aided dozens of unaccompanied children and youth, whose terrified parents sent them alone to Poland.
The Tel Aviv outreach to the homeless also continues. Some of the people we minister to have been in prison. Many of the women are also trapped in prostitution. Some have prayed to receive Jesus during our outreach and are willing to enter a program where they can get off drugs and change their lives.
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