Win and Disciple: A New Generation of Believers in Israel
Win and Disciple: A New Generation of Believers in Israel

Dear Friend,
Shalom in our Messiah!
It is a delight and blessing to be able to share this Summer Brief with you. Here, we share what is happening with our work in Israel and also our latest missionary news from the UK. Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers!
Chosen People Ministries work in Israel continues to flourish with our “Living Waters” initiative. This is an annual three-day mentoring retreat in Israel for the whole family. For so long, most of those who came to faith in Israel were older immigrants from the former Soviet Union. However, many of today’s Messianic leaders in Israel are younger and grew up within the Messianic Israeli community.
Many of them are also the grandchildren of those Russian-speaking immigrants in the post-Perestroika era. Many of these young Messianic leaders’ kids have followed a similar path to that of their parents and grandparents. They had godly parents, were raised attending solid Messianic congregations from childhood, served in the Israeli military, travelled the world, studied at universities, entered the workplace, and now serve in their local congregations. Many of these men and women have also married and are now raising children of their own.
Partnering with and equipping these dynamic young leaders is my passion and priority. This is why we introduced “Living Waters” almost a decade ago. This discipleship effort allows young Israeli believers to meet one another and develop friendships for the future, as this generation will lead the Messianic community in Israel during the twenty-first century. It is an incredible privilege to be part of a Mission to the Jewish People—to invest in this next generation and beyond (as we also disciple their children)!
Here is what one of the participants had to say about their time at the retreat last month: “We both felt so refreshed, encouraged, and more determined to do God’s work here in Jerusalem.” Living Waters has fostered alliances among these young leaders, their congregations, and their ministries, resulting in even greater efforts to reach Israelis for Jesus. These alliances allow for deeper fellowship and for the participants to learn more about each other’s skills and gifts.
Through teaching, worship, prayer, and many great discussions, we are advancing
the general Bible knowledge of these young adults and addressing practical training issues, including leadership, counselling, and biblical ethics.
Please continue to scroll, and allow me to also share our latest news from our UK missionaries, in the article below.
Your brother,
Fiona has been busy travelling to and from Berlin with much time given to helping Beit Sar Shalom in Germany minister to Ukrainian refugees. She rejoiced to see twelve people get baptised. And a number of them settle into the congregation and take up opportunities to serve. Meanwhile here in London, Fiona reports back that they have experienced much spiritual growth in the Messianic Congregation, situated in North London.
The leadership team has a growing expectation that the Lord is about to do something marvellous. God was gracious to give Fiona the strength to participate in the life and ministry of the congregation via zoom providing pastoral support and teaching even whilst she was ministering in Berlin.
Simon continues with outreach in Golders Green and Stamford Hill. The Lord has opened up many great discussions and chances for Simon to share the scriptures and discussions about the gospel. His prayer is that the contacts he has made will continue further in fruitful dialogue.
Oliver comments that engaging people with the Gospel can sometimes be a bit like D-Day— a full-on war where you are head-to-head with your opponent. He’s been learning about this in a class called ‘Messianic Apologetics.’ One superior strategy is the ‘Diplomacy/Ambassador Model’. This is what Jesus called being ‘shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves’ (Matthew 10:16).
Oliver has had the opportunity of learning a lot about his own approaches in conversations and he’s had one particular encounter with an Orthodox man which has helped him reflect on this. He’s learning to navigate conversations using friendly curiosity to diffuse sticky situations. Oliver plans to continue on engaging Orthodox Jewish people again in the late summer/autumn.
Many blessings, and may the Lord prepare our hearts for the great
coming day that the apostle wrote about in Romans 11:25–26, when
“all Israel will be saved”—through Yeshua the Messiah, of course.
I feel like we are on our way!