As 2023 ends we want to give you a rundown of what Chosen People Ministries (UK) has been doing this year to reach Jewish people with the Good News of Jesus. We hope it will encourage you. We also want to acknowledge that it is your partnership with us both prayerfully and financially that makes this work possible. It has certainly been a year full of challenges for all of us. And we pray that the Lord will lead and guide us all as we enter 2024.
From our base in London, we have been reaching out on social media raising the profile of our ministry. We increased our staff to include someone to do our social media and someone to update and make our website a great resource for those who visit it looking for information and articles. Do take a look www.chosenpeople.org.uk
You can follow us on Instagram chosenpeople_uk
In our weekly online Zoom Bible Study, ‘The Mysteries of the Tabernacle’ is the series currently being studied. We began at the beginning of lockdown and are thrilled to regularly see so many of our original attendees. Everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 7 pm. Contact our office to receive the link. info@chosenpeople.org.uk
Our messianic congregations provide a powerful testimony that you can be Jewish and believe in Jesus. They maintain a presence both in London and the North of England. The London congregation celebrates Jewish festivals and seeks to create an authentic space for Jewish followers of Jesus to express their faith while maintaining their Jewish identity.
We have two missionaries in the north of England who regularly visit Jewish people, demonstrating the love of the Messiah through friendship evangelism and have developed several ongoing relationships.
A volunteer missionary from Malaysia spent about six months with us in the UK. She was able to receive training in Jewish evangelism and gain experience working in Northwest London sharing her faith with the Jewish people.
Tommy Fretwell from the Ezra Foundation has been busy with a number of conferences and speaking events. The recent situation in Israel has demonstrated just how necessary it is for Christians to have a biblical view of God’s plan for Israel. The Ezra Foundation is committed to serving the church in this way. Tommy will be doing a small speaking tour in Germany in 2024 to promote his books. The Ezra Foundation works in partnership with CPM (UK).
This summer in Poland, we were well represented at the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism with one of our UK workers leading a session. In Israel, Chosen People Ministries Global hosted a conference organised to bring together staff from around the world. Some of our UK staff were greatly encouraged by being able to attend. It was a time of refreshment and joy.
Fiona (UK Co-director) has been active in helping to lead the Messianic congregation in London and working with Chosen People Ministries, Finland. She has visited Latvia three times this year. During each trip, she gets to share the Gospel with a group of elderly Jewish people.
This summer Fiona participated in an outreach in Riga that saw five people pray to receive Jesus, two of whom were Jewish. Her most recent trip in December was for an outreach event in Jurmala (Latvia), to begin a new work there. Six Jewish people from the local area attended and will be followed up by the local team who are based there. Click here to see the videos.
While attending another conference in Israel at the beginning of the war, Fiona was able to spend some time with staff in the Tel Aviv area and even help pack some of the first parcels sent out from our CPM centre there. As you will see on the front page of our website you can support Israel by praying for the work being done by Chosen People Ministries staff, in Israel. They really are serving with all their hearts, we thank you for praying for them.
We are so grateful for you and pray that over the Christmas season especially, you will be blessed with the joy of His presence in your lives.